Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Virg Bernero (D) vs. Rick Snyder (R) - here we go...

Primary election day has come and gone. 

While one result was expected, one result leaves a few heads being scratched...

The question for Virg Bernero was not "if" he would win the Democratic nomination for governor, but by how much?  As I write this, Bernero has a lead of over 30% against Andy Dillon.  This is not really a shock, as the dismay regarding the Michigan Legislature has increased dramatically over the last 2 or 3 years.  Bernero has a decent record (depending on who you talk to) regarding job creation and budgets in the Lansing area.  Add that to the fact he had the backing of the strongest union in the state of Michigan (the Michigan Educational Association) and you have a formula for success.  Okay Virg, you won the first round.  The problem now becomes, as I have asked before, can you put your vision in clear enough terms to sway many of the upset people of this state? 

That brings us to the "tough nerd" himself, Rick Snyder.  Snyder, as many of us have heard, was the President of GATEWAY Computers.  Also, he founded HealthMedia, Inc. and raised over $200 million in venture capital funds for investment.  His resumé seems to be filled with business and financial areas.  In my opinion, that is great.  Still, the problem is in the fact that a Governor has to work with more than finances and business.  Rick, how are you going to deal with our resources being pilferd by other states?  What will you do with education in cities and villages like Flushing and Holly, let alone Flint and Detroit?  You talk about reinventing our state base - with what?

Gentlemen, generalities will not cut it anymore.  Your political parites have spoken and you are the standard bearers now.  Please make your ideas clear; political double talk sucks and most of us are tired of hearing it.  There is a fever sweeping the state (and the country) to vote incumbents out of office.  that is fine, but will the replacement be any better? 

Simply put guys, other than "talk," why should I or any of my friends vote for you?

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